Documentation - Editing - Entities other

Creating Entities

An entity can be created through usage of either the menu or console commands. To create an entity, you first have to be in edit mode.

Entity Properties

Entity properties are numbers that change the behaviour of an entity. Properties can be set during creation or after creation.

To modify properties after creation, select the entity you wish to change by clicking on it. After that, either

To move an entity, left-click the face corresponding to the axis you wish to move it along and drag it to the new position.

You can change if entities snap to the grid while moving them using:

/entselsnap (0|1)

Types of Entities

</table> ## Linking Entities Some entities may be linked together. Sounds, Particles and LightFX can be linked to Triggers, Pushers, Teleports, Affinities, Playerstarts or Checkpoints. Triggers can control the state of linked Mapmodels (e.g. visibility, collision, door animations) or other Triggers. Furthermore, LightFX can be linked to Lights and Teleports to each other. Each entity combination has a set of link modes that can be cycled through with the L key, for example to make a pair of Teleports work in either direction or both.
actor spawnpoint for an enemy type in Campaign or Onslaught mode
affinity special mode objects such as Flags and Bombs
camera camera for spectv viewing mode
checkpoint respawn point for campaign and timetrial modes
envmap an entity that maps a reflection inside its radius to reflective surfaces
light a spherical light max: 255 255 255
lightfx animates a light when linked to a light entity (see Linking Objects)

a numbered mapmodel

Mapmodel Palette:

  • palette is the colour type (0 = misc colours, 1 = team colours)
  • palindex is the subset of each palette ->
  • palette 0 = (0 = off, 1/2/3 = random pulse colours [fire/etc], 4/5/6 = linearly interpolated pulse colours)
  • palette 1 = (0/1/2/3/4/5 = team colours neutral/alpha/omega/kappa/sigma/enemy (only in team games), 6/7/8/9/10/11 = forced team colour)
  • colour is a specific colour you want to apply to the model (24 bit colour value, eg. `0xRRGGBB` in hex)
  • </td> </tr>
particles particles like smoke and fire
playerstart spawn point for players

pushes a player in the direction indicated by its arrow

Pusher Type:

  • 0 (conditional) will only apply a force if the velocity on each axis to which it is applying it to is below the amount threshold.
  • 1 (additional) will add the force to the current velocity.
  • 2 (redirectional) will take the current velocity and redirect it into the pusher direction and apply the force.
  • 3 (absolute) will simply replace the current velocity with the pusher direction and force."
sound a sound that plays when a player is within its radius
sunlight creates a directional light
teleport portal. Link more than one of these to travel between them (see Linking)
trigger triggers an other entities such as sounds and doors when a player is within its radius (see Linking)
weapon creates a spawn point for a weapon.